Integration and breakthrough of Deep Blue No. 1 and global fisheries
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From a global perspective, the distribution and utilization of fishery resources is a complex issue. The level of fishery development in different countries and regions varies, and the "Deep Blue No. 1" model provides a new idea for solving resource imbalances. In some areas with rich fishery resources, overfishing has led to a reduction in resources; while in other areas, technical and financial limitations have constrained the development of fisheries. The combination of land-based seedling cultivation, deep-sea aquaculture and land-based processing of "Deep Blue No. 1" is replicable and has promotion value.
International fishery cooperation is also becoming increasingly important. Countries are strengthening their exchanges and cooperation in fishery research, resource protection and market development. The successful experience of the "Deep Blue No. 1" model can be disseminated and applied through international cooperation to promote the sustainable development of global fisheries. For example, we can share experience with countries with advanced aquaculture technology and jointly develop more efficient aquaculture equipment and methods; and cooperate with countries with scarce resources to rationally develop and utilize marine resources.
In international trade, the quality and safety standards of fishery products are crucial. The high-quality fishery products produced by "Deep Blue No. 1" will help improve the competitiveness of China's fishery in the international market. At the same time, it will also encourage other countries to continuously improve their own standards and promote the overall improvement of the quality of global fishery products.
In addition, the impact of global climate change on fisheries cannot be ignored. Problems such as rising ocean temperatures and acidification threaten the survival and reproduction of fishery resources. The sustainability characteristics of the "Deep Blue No. 1" model provide a model for responding to the challenges brought by climate change. It emphasizes the rational use of resources and environmental protection, which helps to reduce the negative impact of fishery activities on the ecosystem.
In short, in the context of internationalization, the "Deep Blue No. 1" model has the potential to lead the development of global fisheries and contribute Chinese wisdom to building a healthier and more sustainable global fishery pattern.