Innovation and breakthroughs in China's fishery industry under the background of globalization


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With the advancement of science and technology and changes in market demand, China's fishery is gradually moving towards modernization and intelligence. Advanced breeding technology and fishing equipment are constantly put into use, greatly improving the production efficiency of fisheries.

In the field of marine economy, China has actively carried out deep-sea aquaculture and fishing projects. For example, it has developed new marine ranches and used deep-sea resources for fishery production. These efforts have not only brought new growth points to the fishery industry, but also contributed to solving global food security issues.

At the same time, China's fishery focuses on sustainable development and strengthens the protection and management of fishery resources. It formulates a strict fishing quota and fishing moratorium system to promote the recovery and regeneration of fishery resources. By promoting ecological breeding models, it reduces environmental pollution and achieves harmonious coexistence between fisheries and the ecological environment.

In the process of internationalization, China's fishery industry has strengthened cooperation and exchanges with other countries. It has introduced advanced foreign fishery technology and management experience, and also promoted its own superior products to the international market. By participating in international fishery organizations and multilateral trade negotiations, it has strived for a more favorable development environment for China's fishery industry.

In addition, the rise of e-commerce platforms has provided new opportunities for the expansion of sales channels for China's fisheries. Consumers can easily purchase fresh, high-quality aquatic products online, further promoting the development of the fishery industry.

In general, in the context of globalization, China's fishery has continuously innovated its development model and achieved a leap from traditional to modern, from domestic to international. In the future, China's fishery will continue to move forward steadily on the road of internationalization and contribute more Chinese wisdom and strength to the development of global fisheries.