The transformation of the gaming industry and its global vision


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AI has brought new possibilities to game development, experience, marketing and ecology. For example, in the development stage, it can help optimize code and design to improve efficiency. In terms of experience, it provides smarter NPC interactions and enhances immersion. In marketing, it can accurately locate users based on big data to improve promotion effects. At the ecological level, it has promoted industry innovation and cooperation.

Independent games have attracted the attention of many players with their unique creativity and style. They are often not bound by business constraints and can focus more on expressing the ideas and emotions of developers.

However, when we look at the world, we will find that the development of the game industry is not isolated. The trend of internationalization has prompted game developers from all over the world to communicate and learn from each other. The demand and competition of the international market have promoted the continuous improvement of game quality. The successful experience of excellent foreign games has provided valuable inspiration for the domestic game industry.

Internationalization also brings about cultural exchange and integration. Games from different countries convey their own cultural values ​​and enrich the spiritual world of global players. At the same time, this also prompts game developers to pay more attention to the excavation and presentation of cultural connotations in their creations.

In terms of talent, internationalization promotes the flow and cultivation of talent. Excellent game developers have the opportunity to showcase their talents on the international stage, while also learning advanced technologies and concepts. This helps to enhance the innovation ability and professional level of the entire industry.

In short, the development of the game industry is closely linked to internationalization. We should actively embrace the trend of internationalization and promote the game industry towards a more prosperous future.