Front-end technology and future development: new opportunities in computing power transformation
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The continuous evolution of front-end languages has brought users a richer and smoother interactive experience. From the early simple static pages to today's dynamic and responsive designs, the progress of front-end technology has contributed greatly. Against the backdrop of qualitative changes in computing power, the rapid development of AI technology has also had a profound impact on the front end. AI can optimize the front-end development process, such as automated code generation, intelligent interface design, etc. This not only improves development efficiency, but also reduces development costs. At the same time, with the emergence of large models, the front end can achieve more intelligent interactions. For example, through natural language processing technology, the interaction between users and pages will be more convenient and natural. In the construction of HTML pages,Tags are often used to divide sections to ensure clear presentation of page content. For example:
This is a clear text description.