The development and transformation of language technology in current scientific and technological activities


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In this digital age, language is no longer just a tool for communication, but has become one of the core elements of technological innovation. Take multilingual generation technology as an example, it is gradually changing the way we live and work.

Multilingual generation technology plays an important role in many fields. In cross-border e-commerce, it can automatically generate product descriptions and customer service responses in different languages, greatly improving transaction efficiency and customer satisfaction. In the field of international tourism, it provides tourists with multilingual travel guides and attraction introductions, allowing tourists to better understand local culture and history.

In addition, in the field of education, multilingual generation technology also facilitates online learning. It can automatically generate teaching materials and homework in different languages, allowing educational resources to be more widely disseminated and shared.

However, the development of multilingual generation technology is not smooth sailing. The accuracy and flexibility of the technology still face many challenges. Sometimes, the generated language may contain grammatical errors or semantic inaccuracies, which affects the transmission and understanding of information.

At the same time, multilingual generation technology has also triggered some thoughts about cultural and linguistic diversity. In the process of rapid language conversion, will the characteristics of certain languages ​​and cultures be ignored or diluted? This is a question worth exploring in depth.

Back to the scientific and technological activities we mentioned at the beginning, the research and discussion of the Chinese Academy of Engineering academicians have undoubtedly pointed out the direction for the development of technology. Their professional knowledge and experience are of great significance in solving the difficulties in multilingual generation technology and promoting further innovation and application of technology.

In short, multilingual generation technology is a technology with great potential, but it also needs to be continuously improved and optimized during the development process to give full play to its advantages and bring more convenience and well-being to human society.