AI search and global market trends reported by New Intelligence


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Taking Perplexity search as an example, it answered about 250 million questions last month, and its expected revenue soared 7 times, which fully demonstrated its potential in the market. Google, which has a market share of more than 90%, integrated Gemini into its search engine, and OpenAI also wants to get a share of this market and launch related products.

These developments not only reflect the keen insight of technology companies into emerging markets and their determination to actively expand, but also reflect the trend of global technological innovation. In the context of globalization, the exchange and integration of technologies are becoming increasingly frequent. Technology companies in different countries and regions are working hard to improve user experience and meet market demand.

The development and competition of this technology makes the acquisition and dissemination of information more convenient and efficient. Users can obtain the information they need more quickly, transcending geographical and language limitations. This is of great significance for promoting knowledge sharing and economic cooperation on a global scale.

At the same time, the advancement of AI search technology is also changing the way people live and work. In the field of learning, students can obtain learning materials more accurately; in scientific research, researchers can find relevant literature and data more quickly.

However, the development of AI search has also brought some challenges. For example, data privacy and security issues have become increasingly prominent. As a large amount of personal data is collected and used, how to protect user privacy has become an urgent problem to be solved. In addition, the accuracy and reliability of AI search results also need to be continuously improved to avoid misleading users.

In short, the AI ​​search trends reported by New Intelligence not only demonstrate the competition and innovation in the technology industry, but also reflect the profound impact of technological development on society in the context of globalization. We should actively respond to challenges and make full use of the opportunities they bring to promote social progress and development.