The integration of multiple fields and global vision from Liu Wei's educational perspective


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Teachers play a vital role in education. They not only impart knowledge, but also guide students' growth. As Liu Wei said, AI is powerful, but teachers' human care and experience cannot be replaced. In the context of globalization, education also needs to have an international perspective and cultivate students' ability to adapt to diverse cultures.

South Korea's textbooks are an important carrier of cultural heritage and education. The arrangement and selection of their content reflects South Korea's understanding and transmission of its own history, culture and values. In the process of internationalization, the content of textbooks also needs to be continuously updated and optimized to meet the needs of the times and the needs of international exchanges.

As a global sporting event, table tennis competitions bring together outstanding players from all over the world. Athletes show not only superb skills on the field, but also the sportsmanship and cultural characteristics of their respective countries. The Olympic Games is a global sports event that promotes friendly competition and cultural exchanges among countries and embodies the pursuit of human unity, peace and progress.

Cultivating morality and educating people is the fundamental task of education, and this concept is even more important in the international environment. Cultivating talents with a global vision, an inclusive mindset and a sense of social responsibility is the responsibility and mission of education. In the tide of globalization, we need to learn from the excellent experiences of other countries with an open mind, while also inheriting and carrying forward the cultural essence of our own country.

In short, the development of all fields cannot be separated from the influence and promotion of internationalization. We should actively embrace change and contribute to building a more diverse, inclusive and progressive world.