Blood donation as a "student subsidy"? The truth and ethical issues of blood donation by Shanxi students


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Psychologically coercive marketing tactics

In media reports, the organizers of the event used the words "it's too late" to try to put psychological pressure on students, prompting them to make quick decisions and even ignore their own safety and health issues. This "psychological pressure" rhetoric is particularly effective among students, especially those with financial constraints, who may be attracted by this misleading marketing method, ultimately leading to excessive blood donation and potential damage to their health.

Blood donation risks and the Xinzhou incident in Shanxi

It is worth noting that this event has caused people to think about the legality and safety of blood donation activities. In recent years, a blood donation accident occurred in Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province, where a 19-year-old boy died unexpectedly after donating blood 16 times, which aroused the public's vigilance against blood donation and concerns about safety and legality.

Social supervision and improvement of blood donation activities

For blood donation activities, social supervision needs to be strengthened to ensure that they are legal and compliant, and to protect the health rights and interests of blood donors. At the same time, all sectors of society should work together to improve the international level of blood donation activities, promote the standardized development of the blood donation industry, and provide the public with safer, more transparent and reliable information and services.

We hope that this incident will resonate with society, strengthen the attention and supervision of blood donation activities, ensure the safety of blood donation activities, and contribute a healthy force to society!