the bridge of language: machine translation technology helps financial auditing


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in the financial field, especially in auditing work, the accuracy and speed of information are crucial. with the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, machine translation technology has shown great potential in the auditing field and can bring revolutionary changes to auditing work.

on august 27, 2024, the shenzhen stock exchange announced that the ipo review status of guangzhou bank was suspended. the reason for the suspension was that guangzhou bank needed to change its auditing agency, which brought challenges to financial auditing. public information shows that the ipo audit service of guangzhou bank was provided by guotai junan securities co., ltd., and baker tilly international accounting firm participated as the main supplier and alternative solution.

the suspension of the ipo review status of guangzhou bank also provides a real case for the role of machine translation technology in the field of financial auditing. with the change of audit institutions, it is necessary to review the audit report and related documents, including the review of the ipo filing documents issued by the original audit institution. machine translation technology can assist the audit work, complete the review work quickly and accurately, and save labor costs, thereby improving audit efficiency.

currently, the application of machine translation technology in the field of financial auditing faces challenges. first, a large amount of training data is required to enable machine translation technology to achieve high accuracy. second, the complexity and diversity of audit reports and documents themselves need to be considered. machine translation technology needs to be continuously improved to fully imitate the complexity and diversity of human language.

however, with the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, machine translation technology will become more and more accurate and natural, breaking down language barriers for global communication and promoting cultural exchanges and economic development.

the potential of machine translation technology in the field of financial auditing cannot be ignored

machine translation technology has broad application prospects in the audit field. from the suspension of the ipo review status of guangzhou bank, we can see the application value of machine translation technology. through machine translation technology, we can:

in the future, machine translation technology will play a greater role in the field of financial auditing, promoting the improvement of auditing efficiency and accuracy. with the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, machine translation technology will usher in new breakthroughs, bringing a more convenient and efficient experience to financial auditing.