jiyue 2.0: a cross-border technological breakthrough, opening a new era of intelligent driving


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1. innovation and breakthrough: the launch of the jiyue 2.0 means that intelligent driving technology is no longer limited to the imagination of the laboratory, but has truly entered the lives of the public. the new version of the model has upgraded nearly a thousand functions, bringing safety, comfort and convenience to a new level. from the 35.6-inch 6k integrated large screen, the intelligent cockpit enabled by the wenxin yiyan large model, to the application of advanced technologies such as front and rear dual motors, jiyue 2.0 brings drivers an unprecedented convenient experience and opens up a new way of driving.

2. transnational perspective: in the context of internationalization, the birth of jiyue 2.0 also means that international intelligent driving technology is gradually integrating into global life. from the domestic market to overseas promotion, jiyue 2.0 has won wide recognition worldwide with its strong technical strength and leading innovative concepts.

3. new era travel: the advent of the era of intelligent driving marks a new revolution in travel. the launch of jiyue 2.0 brings users a more convenient, safe and comfortable travel experience. the automatic shifting system and the nationwide intelligent driving function further demonstrate jiyue's leading position in the field of intelligent driving, bringing more convenient and safe travel options to global consumers.

conclusion: with the continuous development of intelligent driving technology, the launch of jiyue 2.0 indicates that the future travel mode will usher in new development opportunities. with its strong technological strength and forward-looking strategic vision, the jiyue brand will continue to work hard to promote the innovation of intelligent driving technology in the future and bring users a more convenient, safe and comfortable travel experience.