china mobile: technological independence and social responsibility, building a new digital foundation for the future


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from the perspective of technological innovation and social responsibility, china mobile is shouldering the important mission of connecting the world, promoting development and serving the people. yang jie pointed out that china mobile will continue to work hard on technological independence, promote innovative breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, data processing and other fields, and become a global leader in information service technology innovation. this is not only a pursuit of technology itself, but also reflects a kind of thinking about social responsibility and public interests.

china mobile has contributed to building a more equitable society by providing reliable communication services, fulfilling social responsibilities and narrowing the digital divide, demonstrating its important responsibility for social development. at the same time, china mobile has also demonstrated strong technical strength and innovation capabilities, bringing positive changes to social development and people's lives.

yang jie emphasized that china mobile will closely unite around the party central committee with comrade xi jinping as the core, implement the spirit of the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee, continuously enhance core functions, improve core competitiveness, keep in mind the "big things of the country", serve the needs of the country, and forge the country's heavy weapons.

as a leader, yang jie leads china mobile to strive towards a brighter future, contribute to building a world-class information service and technological innovation company, and make new and greater contributions to "comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with chinese-style modernization"!