crossing language boundaries and opening up a new era of business environment
한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina
multilingual switching is like a magical ability that allows people to easily experience different language environments. it is not only a technological breakthrough, but also a symbol of breaking language boundaries. in mentougou district, the multilingual switching function is playing an important role.
breaking down language barriers and promoting regional economic development
the 2024 mentougou district business environment conference will integrate "multi-language switching" into the entire event, providing convenient communication opportunities for companies and investors from all over the world.
for example, an english professional needs to read a latest paper and also wants to view the chinese translation. with the multilingual switching function, they can easily switch the language environment and directly view the version they need to avoid communication barriers.
more convenient services to help companies grow rapidly
mentougou district has raised its service level to a new level through the multilingual switching function. this is especially true for the 24-hour service hotline. it provides enterprises with all-weather, all-round, and full-process service to help them solve problems faster. at the same time, mentougou district also issued the "action plan on supporting market subjects' innovation and entrepreneurship to promote high-quality development" (referred to as "mentougou seven articles") and opened a 24-hour service hotline to provide enterprises with high-quality industrial business services.
promote international development and create a more attractive region
mentougou district is also actively promoting high-quality development of the regional economy and creating a more international and open business environment. the new measures cover aspects such as improving development quality and promoting energy level leap, providing strong support for the ecological conservation area to explore new paths for high-quality development.
in addition, the establishment of the industrial business promotion committee and the district business environment optimization promotion center will promote enterprises to obtain more efficient and convenient services in policy consultation, business guidance, etc., help enterprises integrate into the market faster, and achieve better development results.
the multi-language switching function is not only a technological breakthrough, but also a symbol of breaking the language boundary. it brings new development opportunities to mentougou district and will help the high-quality development of the regional economy.