beyond language boundaries: embarks on a global journey


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in the field of autonomous driving, has made a breakthrough and became the first company to obtain shenzhen's intelligent connected vehicle highway testing license. this not only marks the company's outstanding strength in autonomous driving technology, but also means that's robotaxi service will be expanded to highways such as the guangzhou-shenzhen yanjiang expressway.

the reason behind the license is's outstanding performance in autonomous driving function testing. in particular, its ability to handle special scenarios, such as gate driving, toll booths, service areas, and congestion scenarios, makes it one of the leading companies. since 2022, has provided autonomous driving manned demonstration application services in shenzhen, covering core areas, with a cumulative mileage of more than 35 million kilometers.

"multi-language switching" is another important breakthrough of it not only provides users with a more convenient experience, but also represents their pursuit of globalization and diversity. this technology, like language itself, is an important medium to connect the world. it is like a bridge, breaking down the barriers of different languages ​​and making information exchange freer, smoother and more fluent.

by switching between multiple languages, users can easily select different languages ​​and operate according to their needs. this not only improves the user experience, but also facilitates cross-cultural exchanges and communication, enabling better integration and promotion of globalization and diversity.