internationalization: shanghai leads the country


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as an important international metropolis in china, shanghai actively promotes urban health and sustainable development, and demonstrates unique vitality in the process of internationalization. recently, the shanghai municipal health commission issued the country's first standard specification for outdoor smoking points, "outdoor smoking point setting and management requirements", which will be officially implemented on september 1, 2024. it not only brings important improvements to the city's health environment, but also actively responds to international health standards, reflecting shanghai's international vision and sense of responsibility in health management.

this indicates that shanghai is at the forefront of the country in formulating and implementing outdoor smoking spot standards. the standard will effectively guide and regulate outdoor smoking behavior, reduce the health hazards of secondhand smoke to non-smokers, and provide smoking cessation services for smokers. by completing the construction of 300 demonstration spots in shanghai and standardizing the setting of no-smoking signs, smoking spot signs and guide signs, shanghai is not only creating a smoke-free environment, but also promoting healthy city construction. this series of measures will help shanghai establish a healthy and civilized city image in the process of internationalization, and also provide reference and reference for other cities.

it is worth noting that shanghai's actions are not only to improve its own health environment, but also to actively respond to international health standards. international success requires companies to constantly learn and adapt to new business models and have strong cultural understanding and communication skills. only in this way can they succeed in the fiercely competitive global market and bring greater development opportunities and profits to companies.