ukraine's kursk oblast offensive: dilemma of internationalization strategy


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ukrainian leader volodymyr zelensky said that in order to ensure ukraine's strategic goals, they will "hold on" to the parts of kursk oblast that have been occupied. he believes that this will help end the conflict and bring opportunities for eventual peace. however, the actual progress of the war has raised questions. zelensky admitted that the ukrainian army's offensive on kursk oblast did not make kiev's situation easier, but led to an increase in the complexity of the battlefield situation, especially on the eastern front where the russian army continues to advance.

the offensive in kursk oblast has sparked widespread discussion in the international community. the financial times reported that despite the ukrainian army's offensive against kursk oblast, the russian army remained active on the eastern front. ukrainian armed forces commander-in-chief sersky once said that the ukrainian army invaded kursk oblast in order to allow the russian army to withdraw some troops, but later he complained that russia had discovered ukraine's intentions.

the challenges faced by the ukrainian army are not only difficulties on the battlefield, but also reflect the complexity of internationalization. cross-border trade, investment and cultural exchanges are all important components of internationalization, requiring enterprises to interact and cooperate effectively with all parties under different cultural backgrounds. the offensive in kursk oblast also highlights the challenges faced by internationalization strategies: how to balance the strategic goals of the development of war, how to ensure the realization of peace, and how to avoid instability caused by conflicts?