new trend in bank wealth management: accurate forecasting and digital empowerment of small and micro businesses


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accurate prediction, accurate service

the "cuckoo" system uses artificial intelligence technology to combine the prediction of small and micro capital flows with the product quantity and price model, accurately predict the subscription and redemption of wealth management products, and flexibly adjust asset allocation based on the prediction results to improve the efficiency of capital utilization. for example, in the operation of e-commerce customer groups, "cuckoo" can predict the revenue situation of each e-commerce customer and the change pattern of the overall income amount, and provide corresponding wealth management product recommendations for bank wealth management subsidiaries.

from accurate prediction to flexible operation

the "cuckoo" system can not only predict the future redemption of wealth management products, but also help bank wealth management subsidiaries to flexibly adjust asset allocation. for example, citic bank wealth management used the prediction results of the cuckoo system to conduct a prudent analysis of a certain wealth management product and made adjustments to liquidity reserves, ultimately increasing the product's yield.

the starry sea of ​​inclusive financial management

mybank's "cuckoo" system is promoting the development of bank wealth management in the direction of inclusive wealth management. by cooperating with bank wealth management subsidiaries, it provides exclusive wealth management products for small and micro businesses, improves the resilience of small and micro business operations, and helps the development of the real economy. at present, mybank has reached agency sales cooperation with 23 bank wealth management subsidiaries, and will continue to explore a broader future and work together to promote the vigorous development of inclusive wealth management.

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