the boundaries of internationalization: wahaha case study


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as a typical case of internationalization, the wahaha incident has attracted widespread attention. this incident demonstrates the complexity of internationalization and highlights the opportunities and challenges it brings. from the perspective of protecting the rights and interests of wahaha employees, internationalization requires more detailed execution and communication mechanisms, especially in labor contracts and equity repurchases, which need to be handled more carefully to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

wahaha's internationalization process has presented complex changes from the company's internal to the social level. the changes in the power structure within the company and the employee rights protection lawsuits reflect the challenges of internationalization. for example, in terms of equity repurchase, wahaha's actions have triggered extensive discussion and analysis. some people believe that this may indicate that wahaha is preparing for an ipo and trying to dilute employees' shares to achieve a more efficient management structure. others believe that this may be a common corporate development strategy and are concerned about the way its own business is run.

the goal of internationalization is to break through traditional geographical restrictions, establish broader cooperative relationships, and jointly create new value. however, the practice of internationalization is also full of challenges and risks. for example, wahaha’s employee rights protection lawsuit and the changes in the company’s internal power structure have shown the risks and contradictions in the process of internationalization, which require joint efforts of enterprises and society to deal with.