the dawn of hope and the challenges of reality


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the china cancer statistics yearbook released by the china cancer prevention and treatment office shows that the five-year survival rate is still low, at around 25%. faced with this situation, many patients are eager to get better medical services and better treatment options through overseas medical institutions. the rise of foreign-funded hospitals has brought a glimmer of new hope to these patients.

the success of mayo clinic is a miracle in the medical field. it uses electronic medical records to greatly improve doctors' work efficiency and also brings higher medical quality. its successful model is worth learning from. if it is promoted in domestic hospitals, it will promote the entire medical reform and improve the level of medical services. for doctors, this model also brings new challenges and opportunities. they need to adapt to the new management model and give full play to their professional advantages.

the average annual income of primary care doctors in the united states continues to rise, and the salaries of specialists have also increased significantly. this is not only an opportunity brought by the development of medical services, but also represents the overall competitive landscape of the medical industry. if foreign-funded hospitals are allowed to open wholly-owned hospitals in china, then domestic hospitals will also need to actively adjust their development strategies and increase doctors' income in order to retain talent and continuously improve medical standards.

however, the implementation of the policy still needs to overcome various challenges, such as capital investment, regulatory issues, etc. in the past ten years, the state has issued almost identical documents, but the reality is still difficult to break through. therefore, whether the re-issuance of the notice can be truly implemented this time still needs time to test.