ecovacs: an overlooked truth behind safety risks


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in 2023, ecovacs encountered a huge crisis, and the consequences of its "focus on marketing and neglect of r&d" strategy were exposed. advertising expenditure accounted for as much as 80% of total revenue, while r&d investment was only about 20%, which led to problems with its product quality and after-sales service quality. consumer complaints emerged in an endless stream, and ecovacs ranked first on the blacklist, which aroused widespread attention and concern in the market.

the fragility of the "anti-theft door" exposes the gap between people's desire for privacy protection and reality. ecovacs made serious mistakes in data security, which is not only a weakness in technical offense and defense, but also a hidden danger to its product quality and after-sales service quality.

the convenience brought by technological development also brings new challenges: security risks.

consumers' concerns about safety hazards will become a key factor in determining ecovacs' future. the word "safety" is repeatedly emphasized in ecovacs's slogans, but it is difficult to offset consumers' uneasiness.

faced with doubts from the market and consumers, ecovacs chose to "play down the consequences." they tried to appease public sentiment through a series of responses and explanations, but these explanations seemed to lack practical actions and determination to take the problem seriously.

however, the problem is not just a technical flaw. ecovacs also has obvious defects in product quality, which has led to an increasing number of consumer complaints. this is not only a challenge brought about by technological development, but also reflects ecovacs' insufficient investment in products.

what is the truth behind the “safety risks”?

ecovacs needs to make positive changes and carry out comprehensive reforms based on the fundamental issues of "safety risks".

only by truly paying attention to technical safety and product quality can we win the trust of consumers and ultimately achieve a successful future.