the “transfer” of payment licenses: douyin’s target and the fate of hailian jinhui
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liandong commerce, a subsidiary of hailian jinhui, has received administrative penalties for illegal business practices, which has raised market concerns about its future development. in particular, liandong commerce’s recent transaction - the transfer of 100% of the equity of liandong advantage e-commerce co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "liandong commerce") held by its wholly-owned subsidiary to tianjin tongrong, a douyin-related company, seems to suggest that greater changes are taking place.
the transaction price is as high as 1.4 billion yuan, which means that the payment license will be "sold" to douyin at this price. a transaction of this scale is undoubtedly a major event in the internet payment industry, which will have a profound impact on the entire industry landscape.
however, as the transaction progresses, we have to face some key questions. first, does douyin's acquisition of liandong shangwu mean that it will completely change the field of internet payment? second, what is the fate of hailian jinhui? will liandong shangwu's "handover" event lead to its difficulties? these questions are still hanging in the air, waiting for the final answer.
the "transfer" of liandong shangwu has sparked widespread discussion and speculation. some believe that douyin will take this opportunity to change the internet payment industry landscape and establish a new payment platform. others worry that douyin may use the payment license to gain a larger market share and further strengthen its influence in the industry.
regardless of which view prevails, the "handover" event of liandong commerce will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the entire internet payment industry. it will redefine the payment model and promote the development of the internet payment field.