the future of humanoid robots: from the laboratory to society


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magiclab's development experience demonstrates the profoundness of this concept. from laboratory products to commercial applications, their roadmap is clearly visible, and they continue to explore and improve at each stage. the m0 stage represents pure technical research, while the m1-m4 stages pave the way for the goal of "replacing people".

m0: laboratory product, undefined scenario

robotics technology in the m0 stage is in the exploratory stage, without clear commercial application scenarios. team members use experiments and practices to explore the potential of technology, but lack clear business goals. this is like exploring a new field for the first time, which requires accumulating experience and understanding.

m1: intern, specific scenario

with the development of technology, robots in the m1 stage have begun to have certain application value. they are no longer just technical tools, but can achieve specific tasks, such as pouring water, dancing, making coffee, etc. the progress of m1 means the practicalization of robot technology, but also means the challenge of commercialization.

m2: skilled workers, closed-loop scenarios

robots in the m2 stage will enter practical applications and achieve closed-loop scenarios, that is, they will be able to complete specific tasks for humans. purchasers can judge whether the robot has commercial value by comparing costs. this marks the transition of robotics technology from theory to practice and lays the foundation for future development.

m3: nanny, family and life

robots at the m3 stage will enter homes and provide companionship, housework, and elderly care services. although this stage still needs to further improve its general capabilities, it marks that robotics technology will truly touch people's lives.

m4: siri of the physical world, a universal robot

the m4-class humanoid robot will be able to perform multiple tasks and fully integrate into society. it can complete various tasks and even work to earn money in its spare time. this technology will completely change people's daily lives.

magiclab's goal is to apply robotics technology to different scenarios and ultimately realize the value of "replacing people". they strive to explore and innovate, continuously improve the level of technology, and expand the value of robots to new areas.

future outlook

the magiclab team is committed to making robotics technology truly useful and helping people solve practical problems. they believe that by combining technology and industry, robotics technology can empower society and create more value.