health preservation in the new era, from "chinese style" to "centripetal exploration"
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from traditional chinese medicine to modern technology, health preservation in the new era is booming. medicine and food have the same origin, which is the soul of this trend. the sales of star ingredients such as ginseng, wolfberry, and honey have been rising, which has made people's understanding of "traditional chinese medicine" constantly break through. at the same time, people are also beginning to pursue a more personalized healthy lifestyle. this is like a painting, using different colors to depict a new picture of health, and young people have become the most important subject in this painting.
natural trend
the number of notes on xiaohongshu increased by more than 76%, and topics such as "my daily flower care" and "green plants" have been viewed more than 100 million times, proving people's love for natural elements. people have moved from the pure concept of "health preservation" to the direction of "heart-seeking", seeking a more refined and personalized healthy lifestyle.
new favorites emerge
the home furnishing sector has also ushered in a new trend. although categories such as vacuum cleaners and rice cookers are growing slowly, they are still the daily choices of consumers. new trends are quietly emerging, and people's expectations for "new favorites" are constantly rising.
the era of air and cleanliness
the air-conditioning market continues to be booming, and the camping/parking air-conditioning track and the kitchen air-conditioning track have great potential, bringing consumers a more comfortable life experience. the growth rate of cleaning appliances and air treatment appliances is surprising, and they are the new "darlings" of lifestyle.
emerging market exploration
from medicine and food to chinese health preservation, the consumption concept of the new era is changing people's lifestyles. with the advancement of technology, people's pursuit of healthy living has become clearer, and they are looking for a way that suits them better.