rural e-commerce: e-commerce has changed the countryside and promoted rural revitalization


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behind “e-commerce to promote agriculture” is the promotion of technology and policies. in the new era, rural e-commerce platforms use internet technology to break the geographical restrictions of traditional markets, allowing high-quality agricultural products to directly face consumers across the country and even the world, thereby increasing the added value and market competitiveness of agricultural products. at the same time, the government also encourages the development of rural e-commerce through policy support, actively promotes the "e-commerce + industrial belt" model, and promotes the modernization and upgrading of the agricultural industry chain.

from helping farmers get rich to helping rural revitalization, e-commerce has brought about many changes. first, rural e-commerce has broadened the sales channels for agricultural products and significantly increased farmers' income levels. second, live streaming e-commerce has turned previously unpopular "local products" into "hot products" with high quality and low prices, promoting the standardization and modernization of the rural industrial chain from production, processing, packaging to sales. in addition, the high standards of e-commerce platforms for the quality of agricultural products have prompted farmers to pay more attention to product quality management and brand building, and promoted the refinement and specialization of agricultural production. finally, the e-commerce data feedback mechanism also provides a scientific basis for agricultural production, guides production direction and improves resource allocation, and effectively improves the level of rural economic development.

changes brought about by e-commerce have not only changed the fate of rural areas, but also changed people’s perception of rural life. nowadays, more and more young people choose to return to their hometowns to start businesses, use e-commerce platforms to integrate rural resources, combine traditional agriculture with modern business models, promote innovative development of the agricultural industry, and inject new vitality into rural revitalization.