the automobile market is in a trough: the market structure and future direction under the impact of electrification


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tesla's sales fell 43.2%, and traditional european automakers were also hit. however, sales of hybrid vehicles are growing, representing a "compromise" option that provides consumers with a more flexible way to travel.

some analysts believe that the decline in the pure electric vehicle market is the main factor, but it also reflects the decline in the competitiveness of european car brands. on the other hand, with the advancement of technology, the application of ai technology has also brought new opportunities to the short video industry. youtube launched an ai generation tool that allows creators to easily create video clips.

however, the problems brought about by this technological development also need to be considered: can ai creation really promote the development of the short video industry? will it lead to a decline in video quality or bring about new ethical dilemmas?

in the oil market, citigroup predicts a supply deficit in the fourth quarter, which may provide some temporary support for brent oil prices. despite the reduction in libyan supply and russia's improved compliance with opec+, the change in the economic environment may affect the long-term trend of oil prices.

in short, the automobile market is at a low point, and future development is full of challenges and opportunities. with the advancement of technology and changes in the economic environment, we should actively think about and explore new directions and possibilities.