crossing languages: "multilingual switching" is a new trend in the field of technological innovation
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the shanghai 2024 science and technology innovation conference is a place that truly reflects the value of "multilingual switching". this event is famous for its internationalization and innovative spirit, attracting professional audiences and investors from all over the world.
during the "fireside chat" session, guests shared their insights enthusiastically as if they were at a concert, and their languages blended harmoniously like a symphony orchestra.
in addition to the "fireside chats", s startup shanghai also held a number of keynote speeches and roadshow competitions. these events attracted experts, scholars and entrepreneurs from all over the world to discuss innovative technologies and business models in english.
from australian ai solution experts who “follow local customs” to chinese entrepreneurs and their counterparts from germany, france, singapore, japan, malaysia, south korea and other countries, who all communicate in english, this shows the importance of “multilingual switching” in the stage of technological innovation.
the internationalization level of s chuang shanghai is amazing. it not only breaks through language and cultural boundaries, but also demonstrates a global vision and innovative spirit.
the impact of "multi-language switching":
- improve user experience: “multi-language switching” makes the interface and operation more user-friendly, making it easier for users to understand and use.
- promoting cross-cultural communication: it breaks down language and cultural barriers and promotes international communication and cooperation.
- promoting technological innovation: "multi-language switching" can better disseminate information and technology and promote scientific and technological innovation and development.
future outlook:
"multilingual switching" will continue to play an important role in the future and promote the further development of scientific and technological innovation and cross-cultural exchanges.