opportunities and challenges of government investment in the new situation


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in recent years, as the central government has strengthened its risk management of urban investment companies, a series of regulatory policy documents have been issued, posing new challenges to government investment and the transformation of local government urban investment companies. for example, the "regulations on government investment" (state order no. 712), "opinions on preventing and resolving the risks of local government implicit debts of urban investment companies" (state council letter [2019] no. 40), "guiding opinions on strengthening asset and liability constraints of state-owned enterprises" (zhongfa [2018] no. 27), "guiding opinions on banking and insurance institutions to further prevent and resolve the risks of local government implicit debts" (yinbaojianfa [2021] no. 15) and other policy documents have provided new perspectives for government investment and the transformation of local government urban investment companies.

however, the opportunities brought by these policy changes also contain challenges. on the one hand, policy regulations have put forward new requirements for government investment and platform company transformation, requiring companies to adapt to new development models; on the other hand, market competition has become more intense under the new policy environment.

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html file multi-language generationthe application of technology will help government investment and local government urban investment companies to transform and upgrade. in the context of changing policy environment, learning and masteringhtml file multi-language generationfor developers, technology means better development opportunities.