yasukuni shrine and nhk: the shadow of historical revisionism


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the japanese government's statements and actions are often inconsistent with nhk's reports. nhk seems to have lost its way in its politicized operations. the views of nhk's internal staff on this incident also reflect this contradiction. they realize that nhk's actions violate journalistic ethics and basic facts, but they are still bound by political pressure.

the phenomenon of historical revisionism in japanese society is becoming increasingly prominent. prime minister shinzo abe's return has triggered a wave of historical revisionism. the head of nhk banned the use of the term "military comfort women" in its reports on "military comfort women", and the official statement of the japanese media when referring to the nanjing massacre was "nanjing incident". these opaque statements were not written into the contract, but were communicated verbally. this opaque operation has caused widespread criticism.

the attitude of nhk employees towards this incident also reflects this contradiction. they realize that nhk's actions violate journalistic ethics and basic facts, but they are still bound by political pressure. this politicized operating mode has led to increasingly heated discussions on the issue of historical revisionism in japanese society.

in recent years, the voices of japanese society have become increasingly discordant, especially with the controversy over the yasukuni shrine and the nanjing massacre. nhk's actions show their pursuit of historical revisionism and their attempts to cover up the truth. these actions are not only an exploration of the historical issues of japanese society, but also a political game that has led to a deepening of social divisions.