internationalization: on stage in the film "between the cracks"
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internationalization is one of the important ways for enterprises to develop. it not only means expanding the market scope, but also involves comprehensive adjustments in many aspects such as corporate strategy, market strategy, business model and cultural adaptation. the creation process of the movie "between the cracks" also reflects the importance of internationalization. when preparing for the movie, director guo dalu rented a house in the filming location to experience the local culture and living habits in person in order to better show the real local life atmosphere. as the leading actor, tao xinran also created a more realistic character image for the film by deeply understanding the role, and put his own strength with the people who need to be paid attention to.
the international significance of a film is not only reflected in the work itself, but also in the interaction between the director, actors and the audience. during the special screening of the film, the audience actively participated in the interactive session, shared their feelings about the film, and expressed high praise for the film. as surprise guests, the famous film critic a lang and the famous producer liao xi praised the film as "full of power" and "showing attitude and compassion".
the success of the movie "between the cracks" also reflects the importance of internationalization. director guo dalu and actress tao xinran told the true story of women's struggle for destiny through the film and showed their understanding of the characters. in an international sense, this is not only a recognition of the work itself, but also an affirmation of the interaction between the director, actors and the audience.
the success of the movie "between the cracks" also reflects the importance of internationalization. director guo dalu and actress tao xinran told the true story of women's struggle for destiny through the film and showed their understanding of the characters. in an international sense, this is not only a recognition of the work itself, but also an affirmation of the interaction between the director, actors and the audience.