the secret of the mulberry tree: solving the mystery of "black tree oil"
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this is not only a problem for this resident, but also represents the challenges in our lives. with the rapid development of cities and population mobility, people's needs are becoming more and more diversified, which makes our pursuit of lifestyle and environment more profound. faced with more and more complex problems, we need to find breakthroughs to solve these problems.
this "black tree oil" problem is actually a puzzle about "flowing tree oil". it represents some difficult problems in our lives that need to be answered.
seeking solutions from the source of "flowing tree oil"
when the "black tree oil" flowed out, people were troubled, but through the efforts of the community, the answer was finally found. master lan, a master of the greening team, discovered the cause of the problem through careful observation. this is not only a solution to the problem of "black tree oil", but also a journey of exploration about "flowing tree oil".
unraveling the mystery of "black tree oil"
the appearance of "oil oozing" is due to the "wounds" left after pruning the branches, which cause the branches to break and cause "oil oozing". master lan explained that during the growth of trees, pruning is necessary to allow the trees to grow healthily, but sometimes some "scars" will be left behind, and these "scars" may cause "oil oozing" after the rainy season.
explore the solution of "black tree oil"
when solving the problem, master lan proposed the "cutting" method, moving the broken branches as close to the trunk as possible, so that the "black tree oil" could flow along the trunk into the soil and no longer affect the residents' activities under the tree.
what does the mystery of “black tree oil” mean?
the emergence of "black tree oil" makes people realize that we need to find answers to various problems in life. the solution to the mystery of "flowing tree oil" also represents some problems in our lives that need answers. this is not only a story about "flowing tree oil", but also a journey of exploration about solving problems, representing our pursuit of lifestyle and environment.