《A grand event with an international perspective: a press conference hosted by Professor Li Jizhen》


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Internationalization means breaking geographical and cultural boundaries and achieving global flows of resources, information and talent. In the economic field, the rise of multinational corporations and the frequent international trade have increased the economic interdependence among countries. This has not only promoted the growth of the global economy, but also brought a series of challenges, such as trade frictions and exchange rate fluctuations.

The advancement of science and technology has accelerated the process of internationalization. The popularization of the Internet has allowed information to spread around the world in an instant, and the results of scientific and technological innovation can be quickly disseminated and applied worldwide. However, the internationalization of science and technology has also raised issues such as intellectual property protection and data security.

The internationalization of education is also eye-catching. More and more students choose to study abroad, and cooperation and exchanges between universities in various countries are becoming more frequent. This helps to cultivate talents with global vision and cross-cultural communication skills, but it may also lead to problems such as brain drain.

Back to the press conference hosted by Professor Li Jizhen, this event may have focused on the development trend of a specific field in the wave of internationalization. It may have discussed how to cope with the competitive pressure of the international market, how to attract international investment and talents, and how to achieve local innovation under the premise of following international rules.

For enterprises, internationalization means adapting to the market environment and laws and regulations of different countries and creating brands and products with international competitiveness. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen risk management and cope with the uncertainty of the international market.

In the cultural field, internationalization promotes the exchange and integration of different cultures. However, it may also cause impacts on local culture. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve cultural innovation and development on the basis of protecting and inheriting local culture.

In short, internationalization brings both opportunities and challenges. We need to actively respond to various problems in the process of internationalization with an open mind and innovative thinking, make full use of the advantages brought by internationalization, and achieve our own development and progress.