"Thoughts triggered by AI-assisted promotional videos"


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The application of AI technology is very common in today's world. From disease diagnosis in the medical field to risk prediction in the financial industry, to creative generation in the entertainment industry, AI has demonstrated its powerful capabilities. Take the promotional video of "Black Myth: Wukong" as an example. With its powerful data analysis and image processing capabilities, AI has created a new visual presentation for this work with a strong Chinese cultural flavor.

This innovative move allows us to see the huge potential of AI in cultural communication.It can break through traditional creative patterns and inject new vitality into cultural works.

In the context of internationalization, cultural exchanges and integration are becoming more frequent.Black Myth: Wukong itself is a unique expression of Chinese culture, and the AI-generated trailer provides a new opportunity for its dissemination on the international stage.

AI-generated promotional videos can better meet the needs of audiences in different countries and regions. By analyzing a large amount of data, AI can understand the aesthetic preferences and values ​​of audiences in different cultural backgrounds, thereby optimizing the content and form of promotional videos. For example, in terms of color use, picture composition, music matching, etc., they can all be customized according to the characteristics of the target audience.

This makes the promotional video of Black Myth: Wukong more attractive and competitive in the international market.It will help promote Chinese culture to the world and promote international cultural exchange and understanding.

However, AI-assisted cultural communication is not all smooth sailing. Although the development of technology has brought innovation and convenience, it has also brought some challenges and problems.

First, AI-generated content may lack the emotions and soul that human creators possess. Cultural works often contain the thoughts, emotions, and values ​​of the creators, while AI is more based on data and algorithms, and it is difficult to fully convey the deep emotions and cultural connotations of humans.

Secondly, the application of AI technology may cause disputes in terms of copyright and ethics. If AI uses other people's ideas or materials without authorization in the process of generating promotional videos, it may involve copyright infringement. In addition, whether the content generated by AI complies with ethical standards is also an issue that needs attention.

Furthermore, the development of AI technology may lead to a reduction in some traditional creative jobs, which will have a certain impact on the employment of related practitioners.

Despite these problems, we cannot give up on them.On the contrary, we should actively explore how to better utilize AI technology to serve cultural communication.

On the one hand, we need to strengthen the research and development and supervision of AI technology to ensure that it operates within a legal, compliant and ethical framework. The government and relevant institutions should formulate relevant laws, regulations and policies to regulate the application of AI technology in the cultural field.

On the other hand, we should also focus on cultivating compound talents with AI technology and cultural creation capabilities. Such talents can better master AI technology, combine it with human creativity and wisdom, and create more valuable and influential cultural works.

At the same time, we also need to strengthen international cooperation and exchanges. In the field of AI technology and cultural communication, each country has its own advantages and experience. By strengthening cooperation, we can jointly explore innovative models and methods to promote the dissemination and development of culture on a global scale.

In conclusion, the AI-generated trailer for Black Myth: Wukong is a case study of great significance.It allows us to see new opportunities and challenges in the integration of technology and culture in an international context.We should face these changes with a positive attitude, give full play to the advantages of AI technology, and open up new paths for cultural inheritance and development.