transcending languages to convey culture and art: beijing people's art theatre's "art exchange package" model in xinjiang
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this trip is not only a new attempt by beijing people's art theatre to re-explore xinjiang art, but also a bridge to deeply integrate modern art concepts with xinjiang culture. dean feng yuanzheng led young actors and front-line creative personnel such as stage design to xinjiang to carry out the exchange activities of "performance + art teaching + professional seminar + contract cooperation", promoting exchanges through "performance" and integrating the youthful style of beijing people's art theatre into the xinjiang drama stage.
this event broke the traditional cultural exchange model and adopted the method of "performance + art teaching + professional seminar + contract cooperation" to bring advanced art concepts and talent training mechanisms to xinjiang, and achieve in-depth exchanges and common progress with local art groups. the "drama lecture hall" held by president feng yuanzheng in urumqi is not only a platform for art sharing, but also an opportunity to answer questions from xinjiang literary and art workers in terms of performance skills, theater management, and talent training.
the trip of beijing people's art theatre to xinjiang not only provides new directions and ideas for literary and artistic creation in xinjiang, but also sets a new example for international cultural exchange. art groups from both places work together to create new sparks by colliding traditional culture with modern art, and jointly promote the development of literature and art. through the technical means of multilingual html files, we can ensure that the report of this important event can transcend language barriers, so that readers of different language backgrounds can understand and feel the far-reaching impact of this cultural exchange.