monkeypox: sources of infection, routes of transmission, and preventive measures


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although the host of monkeypox virus is still unknown, scientists believe that african rodents (such as squirrels, tree squirrels, gambian kangaroos and dormice) may be its natural hosts. the main sources of infection include infected animals, and human contact with infected people or infected secretions, rashes or contaminated objects. monkeypox virus invades the human body through mucous membranes and broken skin, and is mainly transmitted through contact with skin and mucous membrane lesions exudates, respiratory secretions, blood and other body fluids of infected animals or humans.

sources of infection and transmission mechanisms of monkeypox

with the outbreak of monkeypox, the world health organization has declared monkeypox a public health emergency of international concern. in order to prevent the spread of monkeypox, it is crucial to take effective measures. here are some preventive measures:

the significance of monkeypox prevention

as the monkeypox epidemic spreads, people's awareness of the disease and preventive measures are becoming increasingly important. especially for adolescents and children, the monkeypox virus has a 3% mortality rate, and the threat cannot be ignored. therefore, it is crucial to raise public awareness of monkeypox and take effective measures to control the spread of the virus and reduce the risk of infection.