the dilemma of gender equality: step out of comfort zone and embrace mutual support


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the home as an important place:

the author believes that the family is the key to gender equality. the traditional gender role system places women at the center of the family, while men are given the responsibilities and obligations of social roles. however, this traditional model can no longer meet the needs of modern society. we need to redefine the roles of men and women in the family, allow men to participate in family affairs, and give full play to their unique talents.

the awakening of "nora": breaking the stereotyped gender view:

the story of nora in the movie a doll's house provides us with profound insights. she bravely stepped out of her comfort zone and chose to change her lifestyle. this courage and determination is a revelation to all men and women who need to change. nora's awakening can encourage men to step out of their comfort zone, reflect on their role in society, and actively participate in family affairs.

"let the men go home": reconstructing gender relations:

the author believes that "bringing men home" is an important concept. it does not just mean that men return to the family, but means that they have to redefine their roles and lifestyles. this change requires the joint efforts of both men and women to achieve true equality.

redefinition of social roles:

in the author's opinion, the key to achieving gender equality lies in breaking the shackles of traditional gender roles and redefining the roles of men and women in society. men and women should support each other and work together to build a more fair and harmonious social environment.

ultimately, the author hopes that through the concept of "letting men go home" and the awakening of "nala", he can encourage all men and women to step out of their comfort zones and embrace mutual support in order to truly achieve gender equality.