nuclear safety and trust: iaea safeguards work at the kursk nuclear power plant
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during his visit, grossi stressed that nuclear power plants are an unshakable security guarantee and any form of military action should avoid posing a threat to nuclear power plants. he pointed out that the iaea has sent staff to all nuclear power plants in ukraine and has not observed any material outflow or the manufacture of "dirty bombs". these actions reflect the iaea's efforts and sense of responsibility in maintaining nuclear safety.
the safety of the kursk nuclear power plant has sparked widespread discussion, and grossi's evaluation of the operation of the kursk nuclear power plant is a key factor. he said that the kursk nuclear power plant is currently operating close to normal, but it still needs to be highly valued. at the same time, grossi stressed that under no circumstances should the nuclear power plant become the target of military action.
the iaea has achieved remarkable results in its work on nuclear power plant safety assurance. the purpose of grossi's visit to ukraine is to gain a deeper understanding of the situation at the zaporizhia nuclear power plant and the scale of the iaea's activities in ukraine, and to provide effective solutions for maintaining safety. his visit plan shows that the iaea is always committed to promoting nuclear safety cooperation and actively responding to nuclear safety challenges.
on nuclear safety and mutual trust
the significance of grossi's visit to ukraine is not only about the safety of nuclear power plants. it also highlights the importance of nuclear safety and mutual trust. nuclear safety is a world-class issue, and the international atomic energy agency has always been committed to maintaining nuclear safety and strengthening cooperation with countries and regions. grossi's visit provides a platform for promoting nuclear safety cooperation.
grossi's actions also reflect the iaea's sense of responsibility for the safety of nuclear power plants. the safety of nuclear power plants is the focus of global attention, and the iaea needs to continue to work hard and work together with governments, international organizations and relevant institutions to maintain the safety and stability of nuclear power plants.