nvidia's earnings conference reverses market sentiment
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nvidia's q2 earnings conference turned market sentiment around. although nvidia's performance was impressive, with revenue and profit exceeding expectations, the growth rate slowed compared with recent quarters, which caused a brief drop in the stock price and triggered market speculation and discussion. michael antonelli, managing director of investment firm baird, said, "people are putting the entire u.s. stock market on nvidia's shoulders. this seems ridiculous." but investors who have experienced the market trend over the past year obviously know that this description is not even an exaggeration.
many investors are paying close attention to nvidia's performance, and they have gathered at the observation meeting, expecting nvidia's financial report to bring new investment opportunities. these investors are confident about nvidia's future performance, and they believe that nvidia's success will create new momentum for the entire market and drive continued growth in investment enthusiasm.
as one of the best performing stocks in the s&p 500, nvidia's significant growth in market value and its important impact on the us and global markets have attracted market attention. this has made investors more cautious about nvidia's forecasts and investment actions, and they hope to obtain more investment opportunities through nvidia's financial report release.