family is the key to feminism, and it also requires the joint efforts of men


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in modern society, men are expected to take on financial responsibilities and become the "bone" of the family. however, such expectations often make it difficult for men to balance work and family life. this not only leads to dissatisfaction among men in the family, but also creates greater pressure for women. many men are eager to play their role in family life, but they find it difficult to find the right path due to social environment and stereotypes.

the film "nora in china" shows this contradiction. nora's "running away" symbolizes women challenging traditional gender norms and pursuing independence and freedom. however, nora's actions also trigger men to think about their own roles and family responsibilities.

real progress requires the empowerment of both sexes. we should not only focus on the liberation of women, but also on men breaking social pressure and traditional role restrictions and redefining their roles in the family. the concept of "men returning home" does not refer to a physical return, but a spiritual return. "return" means reshaping the balanced view of work, family and personal achievements, and redefining their roles in the family.

just like nora in china, she challenges traditional gender norms and inspires men to think about their roles. the concept of "men go home" requires men to redefine their roles and responsibilities in the family from their own hearts. only in this way can we truly achieve gender equality and create a better future together.