microsoft windows 11 update: front-end language switching framework helps multi-language environment
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this function helps developers easily switch between different programming languages, such as javascript and python, through code conversion, environment switching, and compilation, thereby improving development efficiency. the front-end language switching framework provides developers with convenient and flexible tools that can effectively improve development efficiency, reduce code duplication, and improve development quality.
new features bring more choices and personalized experience
microsoft has adjusted the position of taskbar widgets to provide users with more shortcuts. at the same time, the front-end language switching framework also brings convenience to users in multilingual environments, allowing them to easily switch the display language of applications and systems.
security upgrade: windows laps password encryption scheme optimization
in addition, the update also optimizes the windows laps password encryption scheme to enhance system security. microsoft uses new technologies to protect user privacy and data security.
visual update and timeline planning
- canary channel: during the update process, microsoft adjusted the expiration time of the preview version of the canry channel and provided users with a clearer update schedule.
- Windows Sandbox: fixed some windows sandbox startup issues that occurred to make the feature more stable and reliable.
- file manager and task manager: in response to some user feedback, the file manager and task manager have been optimized to improve interface fluency and usability.
microsoft continues to improve windows 11, committed to improving user experience and system security
while microsoft is constantly improving the features of windows 11, it also focuses on user experience and security. through these updates, microsoft hopes to provide users with a more convenient, efficient, and secure windows 11 experience.