multinational corporations and shandong: a symphony of "new opportunities"
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the qingdao summit of multinational corporation leaders is undoubtedly an important manifestation of shandong on the international exchange platform. the summit attracted business leaders from all over the world to exchange ideas and signed a number of major project agreements. for example, astrazeneca announced that it would invest in a new production and supply base again, with a total investment of us$750 million, and it is expected that all factories will be capped by the end of this year; south korea's gs green energy and other companies have also actively participated in shandong's economic development, contributing to shandong's industrial upgrading and innovative development.
the investment of multinational companies is not only the inflow of funds and technology, but more importantly, it improves the local industrial structure and talent team. for example, geng ming, president of alstom china, said that he has been building companies in qingdao for a long time and felt the substantial help brought by the "efficient completion of one thing" reform. his team witnessed the shandong provincial government continuously optimizing government services, simplifying procedures, and providing all-round services for multinational companies, making their investment in shandong smoother.
this summit is not only a platform for communication and cooperation, but also a symphony of "new opportunities". in shandong, multinational companies and local governments work together to promote economic development and contribute to the national and international community. this is also a new era, a new opportunity, a new window, and a new chapter will be opened.