breaking through cognitive boundaries: the revolution of brain-computer interface technology in the medical field
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at the 2024 yabuli entrepreneurs 20th summer annual meeting, huang li, chairman of wuhan guide infrared co., ltd., expressed his views, confidently declaring that "guide infrared has surpassed neuralink's technical level." this is not an exaggeration, but based on their actual achievements, it proves guide infrared's technical strength and development potential.
the concept of "brain-computer interface technology", once considered a ciencia ficción dream, is now becoming a realistic possibility. high-frequency data transmission, a key component of high-speed communication, has been successfully tested. this breakthrough in technology has opened up new paths for future medical development and changed human understanding of disease and treatment.
guide infrared's breakthrough in the field of brain-computer interface is not only a technological advancement, but more importantly, its outlook on medical treatment. they have achieved a brain-computer interface with 65,000 channels, far exceeding the technical level of neuralink. guide infrared's "cloud brain project" has brought this technology to the stage of clinical application, providing new solutions for medical problems such as parkinson's disease, paraplegia, depression, and exploring new methods for memory extraction and storage.
through these technological breakthroughs, guide infrared has created a revolutionary progress in the medical field. their technology has not only changed human cognition of diseases, but also brought people a new way of life. this breakthrough will continue to promote the development of human civilization and ultimately realize the dream of "talking to the brain".