av1 acceleration and wddm 3.2: driving new upgrades in game streaming and cloud scenarios
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the support for av1 format encoding is the core highlight of the wddm 3.2 update. this update extends the direct3d12 video encoding function to support av1 encoding, which means that the video encoding framework can better adapt to the needs of various scenarios. in terms of video encoding, wddm 3.2 extends the video-related framework to allow drivers to report av1 video encoding support and capabilities. this technology plays an important role in game streaming, cloud and iot scenarios.
amd's hardware driver updates are also an important part of wddm 3.2. although amd's wddm 3.2 support update is currently the leading version, microsoft's next-generation graphics driver model (wddm 3.2) will still maintain its leading position because it can better adapt to future hardware and software needs. wddm 3.2 introduces a number of changes, especially optimizing the use of gpus and npus in cloud scenarios. it is worth noting that npu optimization is only applicable to pcs equipped with dedicated npu chips.
the dirty bit tracking technology introduced in wddm 3.2 can improve vram data transfer performance, which will bring new breakthroughs in video encoding and processing. these changes not only mean a better user experience, but also bring new opportunities for developers. they can use the new features of wddm 3.2 to develop more powerful applications and bring a smoother experience to their users.
in summary, the update of wddm 3.2 is of great significance to game streaming, cloud and iot scenarios, etc. the encoding support of av1 format will bring new opportunities to these scenarios. at the same time, the update of wddm 3.2 will also provide developers with more possibilities and lay the foundation for them to build more powerful applications.