a stage for multinational giants to compete


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japanese steel giant seeks to establish dominance in the us market

since the 1980s, japanese steel companies have begun to expand into the us market, and the scale of their business in giants such as american steel has continued to expand. however, until today, there are only a few successful cases, which makes japanese steel giants face huge challenges.

nippon steel, one of the world's largest steel companies, announced in 2022 that it would spend $14.9 billion to acquire u.s. steel, a move that has attracted great attention in the market and politics. however, with the emergence of a series of opposing voices such as us president biden, vice president harris, and the united steelworkers, nippon steel's acquisition plan seems to be facing huge resistance.

multinational corporations' struggle in the political game

during the us presidential campaign, us vice president harris made clear his support and maintenance of us steel, emphasizing its historic american identity. he believed that us steel should continue to be owned and operated by americans, which shows the us government's attitude of valuing and maintaining us steel.

at the same time, nippon steel's acquisition plan also faces political and social challenges. chen yan, director of the japan enterprise (china) research institute, believes that there are huge risks for japanese steel giants in acquiring american steel companies, and these risks come from political and social resistance.

the cruel reality of market competition

u.s. steel is a shining star in the u.s. steel industry, with a long history, large scale and important position in the world. however, with new technologies and policy changes, u.s. steel faces huge challenges.

in recent years, the world's steel industry is in a stage of transformation and upgrading, and the promotion of new technologies and environmental protection policies has continuously changed the industry landscape. faced with a fiercely competitive market environment, the cooperation and competition relationship between multinational giants will become more complicated, especially in the political and social context.