cross-border cooperation: the "chemical reaction" of the merger and acquisition between sibao technology and jiahao shares


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this m&a "chemical reaction" not only demonstrated silicon power's acumen in strategic planning, but also provided inspiration for other a-share companies to acquire controlling stakes in ipo companies. in recent years, a-share companies have shown increasing interest in mergers and acquisitions. especially in recent years, with the changes in market environment and policies, more companies have begun to seek new growth points, and mergers and acquisitions have become one of the effective growth strategies.

the "two-way rush" of this merger and acquisition reflects the goal of collaborative development between silicon power technology and jiahao holdings to achieve mutual benefit. with the help of jiahao's technical advantages and market resources, sibao technology has obtained a richer product array and international channels. jiahao has gained a broader market space and more financing opportunities, which also provides a boost for its further development.

the essence of mergers and acquisitions is value creation, not just asset exchange. the merger of sibao technology and jiahao shares is not only a business transaction, but also a manifestation of win-win cooperation between the two parties. by integrating resources and sharing advantages, the two parties have jointly achieved the effect of "chemical reaction", integrating their respective advantages and ultimately promoting greater development.

in the future, silicon power technology will continue to promote the strategic transformation of its own development with "cooperative mergers and acquisitions" as the core. through this acquisition, silicon power will further expand its international market, realize economies of scale, and actively explore more acquisition models and cooperation methods to make greater contributions to economic development and social progress.