on the stage of sports competition, guarding the "protective wall"


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from prevention to treatment, they walk shoulder to shoulder with athletes

the summer is hot, and it is crucial to provide a safe and comfortable environment for athletes. the medical staff of the ersha diving center management center actively carried out heatstroke prevention and cooling education within the team, helped coaches develop reasonable training plans, guided athletes on how to dress, replenish fluids, and prevent colds, and popularized knowledge on how to maintain physical fitness and prevent and urgently treat injuries in the case of heavy training and high-intensity competitions.

they established medical records with the athletes, recorded their physical conditions daily, provided weekly feedback on the athletes' training and injuries, regularly analyzed their physical functions, and provided scientific training guidance to the coaches. at the same time, the medical staff also served as part-time psychological counselors, providing psychological counseling for the athletes and alleviating the psychological pressure brought by their training and competition.

“knowing the fact and the reason”

at the time of injury, medical staff will not only check the injuries of the players, but also analyze the causes of the injuries. by analyzing the injuries, medical staff can help athletes understand the causes of the injuries, so that they can treat and rehabilitate their injuries more specifically.

guarding the dream and not afraid of challenges

"our biggest goal is to control the injuries of athletes and adjust their physical, functional and psychological conditions to the best state, so that they can maintain a good state for the competition and perform at their best level." said a medical staff member. they continuously provide medical care and psychological support to athletes during summer training, so that athletes can perform at their best in the competition.