as the investment world is in a state of “internal competition”, fund managers are leaving their jobs. who is the real “double ten” investment hero?


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for example, qian ruinan of industrial fund management joined a new management team in two products he managed, which set off a sensation in the investment community. he has been a fund manager of industrial fund management since 2008 and won the honor of "double ten" investment. his departure undoubtedly triggered the market's thinking about the industry's internal circulation and competitive landscape.

the reason for qian ruinan's resignation has triggered various analyses and interpretations. some people believe that he was forced by the pressure of assessment and salary cap to choose to go private. others questioned his resignation, believing that he was using his experience and honor to promote his own interests and escape the pressure of assessment.

this phenomenon reflects the difficulties faced by the fund management industry, especially in the context of changes in the global economic environment and constant market fluctuations. intensified competition and the pursuit of performance and returns have led many people to choose to "retreat" or "exit." this has also triggered people's reflection on the "involution" of the investment community and market competition.

the logic behind resignation:

challenges and opportunities:


qian ruinan's resignation reflects the pressure and challenges faced by fund managers in their careers, and also foreshadows the future development trend of the industry. with the continuous changes in the market environment and the adjustment of regulatory policies, the fund management industry will face new opportunities and challenges, and more talented people and innovative forces are needed to promote the development of the industry.