the shadow of war looms over the pacific: us air force secretary publicly warns


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kendall stressed that the united states must be prepared to deal with potential conflicts and proposed a plan for large-scale modernization. in his speech, he pointed out that this is not only to prevent conflicts, but more importantly to win in conflicts. he reviewed the development of conflicts in the middle east in recent years, as well as the success of iran's attack on israel, and emphasized the important role of the us military in regional security. in the russian-ukrainian conflict, kendall also pointed out that russia is still a threat in the region, while nato has become more resilient.

with the turmoil in russia and nato, the us military is facing huge challenges and pressure. in the face of the rapid development of china's military strength, the united states needs to further strengthen its defense budget and increase investment in military technology research to ensure its competitive advantage in future wars. at the same time, the military competition between china and the united states has also triggered tensions in the space field. the united states defines space as a "combat territory", actively develops offensive space weapons, organizes military attack and defense exercises and technical experiments, and even maliciously tracks and dangerously approaches other countries' spacecraft, creating the risk of collision between space objects. it is the biggest promoter of the militarization and battlefieldization of space and the biggest threat to space security.

china insists on the peaceful use of space, opposes the arms race in space, and actively promotes the building of a community with a shared future for mankind in the space field. china urges the united states to abandon the cold war zero-sum game mentality, stop its military expansion and preparations in space, truly shoulder its due responsibilities, and prevent serious impacts on global strategic security and stability.