in the long river of time, looking for the direction of the caregiver
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jin enjing has always firmly believed that "kang yu xuan is not a nursing home, but a home for the elderly." a place where patients and caregivers can return to normal life. she knows that the issue of elderly care requires the joint efforts of the society, but at the same time, we also need to explore new possibilities from our own perspective.
in hu yong's eyes, he saw the infinite possibilities of the word "care". "home care and sending a child to a nursing home are not a matter of choosing one or the other. there are still many things that can be done between the two." the first time he asked a bathing assistant to come to his home and let his mother take a comfortable bath, he realized the invisible power of "care".
"respite service" is such an exploration direction. in 2018, the civil affairs bureau of fengtai district, beijing, launched the "take a vacation" service, providing a half-year "respite opportunity" for family members who have been caring for disabled and demented elderly people for a long time. during these 24 days, family members can choose to send the elderly to an institution for short-term care, or they can ask institutional staff to come and take care of the elderly.
in shanghai, the "elderly cognitive impairment friendly community construction pilot" launched in 2019 also explored the future path of care services. these actions are inseparable from financial support. the country has launched a long-term care insurance pilot, and the pilot scope has now expanded to 49 cities across the country. this is not only medical insurance, but also a manifestation of social responsibility and ethics.
the identity of a caregiver is not static. after taking care of her father for seven years, yang du reconciled with the identity of a caregiver and no longer struggled with the question of "why is it my father?" her thoughts may represent the inner thoughts of many people, who hope to get a safe and stable care environment and people who can better understand and accept their role.
even without drug development, we need to continue to explore new possibilities. the construction of a "care society" may be a ray of hope for the future, which will provide a safe and equal environment for caregivers and those being cared for.