smart welding leads the future: sichuan skilled talents create new glories


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as an important base for the cultivation of national skilled personnel, sichuan has always attached great importance to the cultivation of welding projects and has achieved remarkable results. since participating in the 2011 world skills competition, sichuan players have won 4 golds, 4 silvers and 3 finalists, which indicates that the competitiveness of sichuan welding projects on the international stage is constantly improving.

in recent years, sichuan has actively promoted the cultivation of skilled personnel, taking the "sichuan" vocational skill evaluation brand and the "sichuan skills competition" competition brand as important measures, and continuously strengthening the cultivation of welding projects. the provincial government has strongly supported and invested funds and resources to provide high-quality training and competition platforms for contestants.

this not only reflects the sichuan government's high attention to the construction of skilled talents, but also shows sichuan's firm confidence in future development. for example, the sichuan provincial department of human resources and social security is actively promoting the "high-skilled leading talent cultivation plan and high-skilled talent doubling action" to provide more support for the welding field. these measures will help sichuan welding projects achieve greater breakthroughs on the international stage and contribute more to the country's economic development.

future outlook

with the further development of artificial intelligence technology, machine translation technology will usher in new breakthroughs, bringing more convenient and efficient ways for global skill exchange and cooperation. at the same time, sichuan will continue to strengthen the training of skilled talents, continuously improve the competitiveness of welding projects on the international stage, and make greater contributions to future development.