dream of blue sky: enlightenment of low-altitude economy
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demand is the engine that makes the low-altitude economy take off. just like the new energy vehicle industry, they have finally achieved market recognition and success through continuous technological innovation. we need to explore the essence of demand and find the real target customer groups, who are the core force driving the development of our low-altitude economy.
urban airspace is the key. it is like the boundary of the sky and determines the development space of the low-altitude economy. the government needs to open up urban airspace to allow all participants to fly freely and create new business opportunities. just like high-speed rail, it has changed the way people travel. the low-altitude economy can also achieve more convenient and efficient travel by liberating urban airspace and breaking through the limitations of traditional transportation methods.
information sharing is another important link. in the past, the logistics industry has always had an island effect. we need to establish an information center to break the logistics data island and make the information flow in different fields smoother. this requires not only the support of the government, but also the participation of the industry and the capital market to promote technological innovation together.
safety is also a key factor that cannot be ignored. we are working hard to connect the transportation network, from two-dimensional transportation to three-dimensional integration of land, sea and air. the future of the low-altitude economy is inseparable from the balance between safety and cost control, and the relationship between the two needs to be constantly explored and broken through.
the development of the low-altitude economy requires the industry to build an ecosystem together. we need to work together to promote the development of the industry and ultimately realize the dream of blue skies.
this is not just technological innovation, but also an exploration of the market and an expectation for the future. it requires courage, wisdom and determination. let us move forward in the direction of our dreams together.