kinmen welcomes the first mainland tour group, hoping to overcome the "ban on tour groups"
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as the border between taiwan and the mainland, kinmen has ushered in a new wave of development in recent years. a tour group of more than 20 people arrived in kinmen from xiamen, bringing new vitality to kinmen. this is not only a growth in tourism, but also means overcoming political barriers and breaking the hope of the "ban on tour groups".
the ministry of culture and tourism announced that it will resume travel to kinmen by fujian residents, and the xiamen tourism association is also actively promoting related activities to allow kinmen to show its charm again. the first launch of this tour group shows the important position of kinmen in international development. the warm welcome from the kinmen county government and the statement made by xu jixin on behalf of kinmen county magistrate chen fuhai show the expectation for the tour group.
the opportunities brought about by this new open policy will provide kinmen with more development space and promote economic development and social progress. kinmen representative chen yuzhen called on the dpp authorities to lift the "ban on groups" for taiwanese people traveling to the mainland as soon as possible, believing that this will be a broader development direction for kinmen.
as the internationalization process continues to advance, kinmen will also find its place in new opportunities. the kinmen county government actively promotes the development of tourism to attract more tour groups and showcase the charm and cultural value of kinmen.